Best Free Logo Maker

Reilly Newman
3 min readNov 29, 2022


Looking for the best free logo maker is a bit of an oxymoron. This is because of two reasons:

  1. Best is subjective; as is design.
    The logo, being a designed item, is a very subjective item. This means it must be tied to a deliberate, strategic decision based on the goals of the business. Not just be designed for the sake of looking nice because that is completely subjective and will not benefit the business on its journey to success.
  2. Free is relative; as is price.
    You see, a free logo sounds nice, but you will pay the costs inadvertently. Like the old adage of “There’s no such thing as a free lunch” when it comes to a free logo design, you will pay for it somewhere along the line. Whether it is the cost of less creativity, originality, or overall design quality, your savings in the present will soon turn into costs that will get you into an identity crisis, trademark issues, legal troubles, or ultimately having to restart completely which only confuses your audience and destroys the momentum of your business. The price for quality and originality may be int he present, but will save you in the long run and help your business reach its potential. Brand works in a similar fashion as brand is inevitable and will costs you one way or another.

Essentially, a free logo maker isn’t going to provide you with the results you’re wanting. And aren’t results the outcome you’re wanting?

Now, why would a cheap or free logo not give you the results you’re looking for?

© Motif Brands

Well to be fair, if you’re just wanting a logo that isn’t original or unique and you’re fine with other businesses having the same or very similar logo then a free or cheap a logo might be good.

For real results that make a difference for your business, this simply will not get the job done. As mentioned previously, by “saving” now on the cost will ultimately cost you in the long run. Not only in the expenses I mentioned, but also in opportunity cost. The opportunity cost of not putting your best foot forward in your brand’s logo will make a lesser impression and not be memorable. This is because a free or cheap logo design is just that. It’s not focused on a business objective or an overarching strategy for your business’ brand. Hence the small price tag.

This smaller price tag represents the true value that your business will be neglected.
The small or free price is what is left when all other value has been subtracted.
The value of strategy, creativity, novelty, essence, voice, and beyond that makes a brand impactful for years is stripped away. Leaving just a design that is not original or made with your business objective in mind. This lack of strategy inn the design process results in more of just an art project that doesn’t have a deliberate driving force behind it. It’s the remaining deliverable when all other thoughtful value is subtracted. Yes, the cost may be low or zero, but so will your results.

This brings to light what “best” can mean.
The best service to me is one that creates the desired results.
Or perhaps solves a problem I didn’t know I had leading to results.

When you think about it, Best and Free are almost polar opposites.
We’ve established how Free won’t get you the desired results simply because of the innate nature of free being the remaining deliverable after all other value is subtracted.

So this makes best impossible to be achieved by your standards for your specific business because it is constrained by its relation to what free represents. You can summarize this that best would be the best of the lesser deliverables leftover after value is removed. Not better or best for the sake of your business and your business objectives. Not better or best for the brand you’re creating. It’s relative to the state of free which isn’t the place your business will find effective results.

Results are set by the business objective. The strategy helps accomplish these desired results by deliberating determining specific tactics to deploy. Only through deep work like strategy can true “needle moving” results be conjured for your business. Results aren’t free.



Reilly Newman
Reilly Newman

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