Have a Brand-Centric Mindset
A business can be the direct reflection of the inner mindset of the owner, leadership, and/or team as a whole. From our experience we see a correlation of professionals who have a Brand-Centric Mindset and those who have a Growth Mindset (rather than a Fixed Mindset).
By recognizing this common denominator, there are other interesting stars that align:
• One’s ability to pivot as a business because the business model can evolve due to the dependency on the brand. (Brand-Centric/Growth Mindset)
• Making wise financial and energy/effort investments for longterm growth. (Brand-Centric/Growth Mindset)
• More in-tune with market wants and desires. (Brand-Centric/Growth Mindset)
• Obstacles and challenges are viewed as opportunities to improve or refine. (Brand-Centric/Growth Mindset)
• More likely to take creative/out-of-the-box risks (Brand-Centric/Growth Mindset)
• More effective marketing. (Brand-Centric/Growth Mindset)
• and the list goes on…
What is a Brand-Centric Mindset?
A brand-centric mindset is realizing the full potential/value of a brand in the longterm and valuing the upfront investment of capital and energy to do things the RIGHT WAY. The motive is for the betterment of both the customers and team that goes beyond just products, services, or short-term gains.
As mentioned above, there are many correlations between having a Brand-Centric Mindset and a Growth Mindset, however we find that Brand-Centric thinkers are a tribe within those with a Growth Mindset.
With longterm being the scope these owners, founders, executives, etc. see not only their business through, but their brand as well, these professionals are not ones to take shortcuts. This brings us to their willingness to not only invest longterm in their business on quality equipment, team members, space, etc. but on their brand as well.
Constant Dripping hollows out a stone. — Lucretius
History is full of successful businesses and leaders who displayed the core of longterm thinking: patience and persistence. (i.e. Apple/Jobs, Walt Disney, Microsoft/Gates, Spanx/Blakely, Amazon/Bezos, Square + Twitter/Dorsey, Virgin/Branson, Berkshire/Buffet, Starbucks/Schultz, Five Guys/Murrell, Cisco + Urban Decay/Lerner, Tesla/Musk, etc…)
The interesting thing is that these brands are respected and almost idolized because of their non-shortcut thinking. These brands have properly built a strategy and culture that the consumer can connect with. That’s because they invested heavily into doing things “the right way” — so then why doesn’t everyone do that? The fear-driven mindset of not thinking longterm is what keeps people and business from greatness. #1 Best Selling Author, Jim Collins gets to the point in his book From Good To Great with, “Good is the enemy of great” — this is precisely why you see so many good businesses, yet so very few great businesses and brands. The fear of becoming great and the safety/comfort found in being just good helps the Fixed Mindset thinkers stay right where they are(most likely to decline ultimately).
The longterm mindset found in Brand-Centric thinkers, is an obvious benefit to the success of the business. The emphasis of brand not only leads to harmony among the aesthetics, but strategy throughout all decisions the business makes. Every touchpoint, every hire, every protocol, and even the customers/clients you choose to associate with and welcome is determined by the Brand-Centric mindset. This type of thinker isn’t in to make a quick buck, they see the endless benefits of planning longterm and strategically appealing to a select audience. The Brand-Centric thinker is playing a game of offense and planning for the future, this adds a very important edge to any business, no matter your sector, no matter the way you generate revenue. This mindset naturally creates a more accurate marketing plan and marketing that is more effective because the brand is properly in place and knows who to talk to, how to stay it, and why.
Business should not be about just maintaining the status quo and getting by.
This Fixed Mindset doesn’t benefit your team, your patrons, your community, your industry, or you and the risk you have subjected you and your family to.
To really benefit all of these parties, we must push the envelope and have a Growth Mindset. It not only benefits your customers and team the most, but is inline with how our economy works as a whole.
A Brand-Centric Mindset is putting your brand as the North Star to help develop creative solutions for your business to thrive off of and evolve with. It’s not about playing defense, but rather playing offense in a way that is natural to your brand and inline with what your audience expects and appreciates when surprised.